The hype around aloe vera for hair care has been around for quite a while. Growing up, I’d heard stories of how women around the world use it for hair care and how it works wonders in increasing inches. In this article, we’ll explore the wonderful properties of aloe Vera, as well as its benefits, and how it can be used as a natural remedy to those seeking luscious locks.

Understanding aloe Vera 

Aloe vera is a succulent plant known for the thick gel-like substance contained within its leaves. The gel is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds which can be beneficial in achieving healthy hair. Some of the key vitamins found in aloe vera gel include vitamins A, C, and E, as well as the B-vitamins.

Over the years, aloe vera has been used for various medicinal, cosmetic, and culinary purposes. Some of its common uses include; skincare, haircare, and wound healing. In addition to these, some people consume aloe vera juice or supplements for potential digestive benefits like alleviating constipation and soothing digestive discomfort.

Now that we’ve gotten familiar with the overall benefits of aloe vera, let’s get into the benefits of aloe vera for hair care.

Benefits of aloe Vera for hair care

Aloe vera stems

Aloe vera can be very helpful when used for hair care. Some of the benefits of aloe vera in hair care are mentioned below:

1. Maintains scalp health

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and anti microbial properties which help soothe and eliminate common scalp conditions like dandruff and itching. While its gentle cleansing actions rid the scalp of excess oils and impurities, promoting overall scalp health and wellbeing.

2. Promotes hair growth

This shouldn’t be brand new information to anyone as the main hype around aloe vera for hair care has always been about how fast it grows hair. Aloe vera contains proteolytic enzymes which help repair dead skin cells on the scalp. When applied regularly, it can stimulate hair follicles leading to increased hair growth over time.

3. Reduces hair thinning

Aloe Vera’s enzyme content can prevent excessive hair loss by strengthening hair follicles and reducing the breakage of strands. This helps with length retention and leads to thicker hair over time.

4. Strengthens hair strands

Aloe vera contains amino acids which provide strength and elasticity to the hair. More elasticity helps to  prevent breakage, thereby leading to increased length retention.

5. Hydrates and balances pH levels

Aloe vera has high water content which prevents dryness and moisturizes the hair strands. It also has a natural pH level ranging from 4.5 to 5.5 which is slightly acidic. This pH range is similar to the human scalp pH which is also mildly acidic. Using a substance with a similar pH to the human scalp helps to counteract the effects of alkaline hair products that may disrupt the scalp’s natural pH, thereby maintaining the scalp’s acidity.

6. Cooling effect

When applied to the scalp, aloe vera gives a cooling sensation. This soothing effect helps it relieve scalp irritation making it beneficial for those with sensitive or irritated scalps. It can also be used to cool sunburn, burn from heat styling tools and irritation caused by product buildup.

7. Adds shine to hair

Aloe vera has the natural ability to add shine to the hair and make it appear glossier. It smoothes the hair cuticles, making them reflect light better, and adding a healthy radiant shine to the hair.

Ways to use aloe vera for hair care

woman touching her afro hair

This section of the article goes over the various ways that aloe vera can be used and incorporated into a hair care routine for best results. Keep reading to find out.

1. Aloe Vera hair spray

Create your own DIY hair growth spray by mixing aloe Vera gel with water in a spray bottle. Use this spray to hydrate your hair throughout the day, combat frizz, and maintain a fresh look.

2. Aloe vera hair rinse

You can create a hair rinse by mixing aloe vera gel with water. Use it to rinse your hair after shampooing and conditioning. This can help detangle hair, add shine, and leave it feeling soft and silky all through the day.

3. Aloe Vera hair styling gel

You can create a natural hair styling gel by mixing aloe vera gel with a small amount of coconut oil and a few drops of essential oil. Use this to style your hair while keeping it healthy.

4. Aloe Vera oil

Wash an aloe Vera leaf and slice into small pieces. Get your organic coconut oil and/or extra virgin olive oil and heat in a pan. Once the oil is hot, add your aloe slices and leave on low heat till the aloe gel turns brown. Strain out your oil and use it on your scalp and strands. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to this mixture for a better scent.

5. Aloe Vera hair mask

An aloe vera hair mask can be gotten quite easily. After harvesting your aloe, cut out the green parts and scoop out the gel. You can either blend the gel in a blender or mash it till it becomes easy to work with. Mix it with coconut oil, olive oil, or any oil of your choice and apply to your hair. Leave the mask on for thirty minutes while using a heat bonnet, shower cap, or a plastic bag. Rinse out and condition hair as needed.

6. Natural hair detangler

The gel from aloe vera has a slip that is very beneficial when used for detangling hair. Rub the gel on your hair after washing and conditioning, and work your way from ends to roots. The aloe should make the detangling process much easier and faster.

woman detangling her hair
Adding aloe vera to the hair could make the detangling process 10x easier

7. Aloe Vera shampoo and conditioner

Many brands these days include aloe vera as a key ingredient in their products. You could find aloe vera shampoos, conditioners, edge controls, styling gels and lots more. Make sure to find a good aloe vera based product to add to your routine, as the use of such products could be a very good investment in your hair care game.

Caution and warnings ⚠️

Before using aloe Vera topically, be sure to do a patch test. Rub a bit of aloe vera on the inside of your wrist and wait up to two hours to see if your skin reacts poorly. This will let you know if your skin is sensitive to aloe.

Secondly, when preparing aloe Vera gel for use, make sure to get none of the green part into your gel as the sap from the green part of the aloe could be itchy on the skin and scalp.


In the end, aloe vera’s versatility and numerous benefits make it a valuable addition to your hair care routine if you’re looking to improve your hair health and grow some extra inches. But remember that there is no secret ingredient to achieving long hair. Your hair needs consistency in beneficial practices to thrive overtime. Keep in mind that little steps compound over time!!

Thank you for reading till this point. If you found value in this article, be sure to share it with friends and family members who may need the information. See you in the next article, and until then, happy hair care! Ciao!!

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