10 best lightweight oils and their benefits for natural hair 
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10 best lightweight oils and their benefits for natural hair 

Type 4 hair, just like every other hair type needs hair oils for various reasons including hair growth. Our curls have different characteristics from other hair types which require us to need oils more. These characteristics are our tighter curls, a tendency to dry out, and the fact that our hair is very prone to breakage!

10 Powerful Tips for Healthy & Thriving Type 4 Hair
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10 Powerful Tips for Healthy & Thriving Type 4 Hair

Managing your natural type 4 hair can be tricky at times, with a lot of confusion around how to properly care for it. Like every other topic out there, the internet is filled with thousands of articles and videos on how to  properly care for your natural hair. Though beneficial, all that information can very quickly become overwhelming, and that is where this article comes in. 

Aloe Vera for healthy hair: How to use Aloe Vera for daily hair care
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Aloe Vera for healthy hair: How to use Aloe Vera for daily hair care

The hype around aloe vera for hair care has been around for quite a while. Growing up, I’d heard stories of how women around the world use it for hair care and how it works wonders in increasing inches. In this article, we’ll explore the wonderful properties of aloe Vera, as well as its benefits, and how it can be used as a natural remedy to those seeking luscious locks.

Cardi B Flaunts Long Natural Hair Along With Effective DIY Mask
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Cardi B Flaunts Long Natural Hair Along With Effective DIY Mask

Cardi b’s healthy hair growth journey has been quite a long and challenging one, with most of her fans being there from her time of struggle in the past to the present, where her hair is currently thriving and flourishing. In the days before her fame, the superstar’s natural hair was barely seen. And when it was, it always looked short, damaged, and kept in braids most of the time.