Managing your natural type 4 hair can be tricky at times, with a lot of confusion around how to properly care for it. Like every other topic out there, the internet is filled with thousands of articles and videos on how to  properly care for your natural hair. Though beneficial, all that information can very quickly become overwhelming, and that is where this article comes in. 

In this article, we will delve deep, going into 10 essential and sure-fire tips on how to properly care for your type 4 hair to ensure better  manageability, as well as a longer, healthier mane. If you’re ready for the 10 tips that’ll get you those beautiful, manageable curls you’ve been dreaming of, keep reading as you’re about to unlock a world of helpful information.

10 tips on caring for type 4 hair

photo of woman with afro hair 4a

1. Use products formulated for type 4 hair

Using the right products keeps your curls healthy and defined.

Products designed for your type 4 hair are like magic potions for your curls! They address the specific needs of your curls, by providing extra moisture, and intense definition for your tight coils. 

By using products formulated for your curl pattern, you deliver the right balance of hydration and hold, reducing frizz, preventing breakage, and ultimately promoting healthy, happy curls that can truly flourish.

2. Always moisturize

When it comes to type 4 hair, moisture is the key to unlocking healthy coils. As a matter of fact, the feel of your coils is a perfect giveaway of how well you moisturize.

Ready to infuse on the moisture! These ideas will help you keep your coils happy, healthy and hydrated.

  1. Look out for a moisture-rich shampoo: A moisture-rich shampoo is typically sulfate-free with moisture-boosting ingredients that contains shea butter, aloe vera and coconut oil. These enriching ingredients will keep your coils feeling hydrated and soft. 
  2. Go for conditioners specifically designed for coily hair: Brands like; Carol’s daughter, Shea moisture, Mielle organics, and more were made to meet the special needs of coily hair. 
  3. Wear protective hairstyles: Protective styles like braids and twists are moisture champions for coily hair. They help to lock in moisture by minimizing daily manipulation and creating a barrier against drying elements. This allows you to focus on moisturizing the scalp directly, delivering much-needed hydration that travels down the hair shaft for healthier, defined locks with less frizz.

3. Protein treatments are your hair’s bestie

Incorporating protein treatments into your hair care routine can be quite a game changer for coily hair. They help to strengthen the hair shaft, reduce breakage and improve hair’s overall health. 

Want to step up your protein game? Below are a few types of protein treatment you could  try out:

  1. DIY protein treatments: From the comfort of your own kitchen, you can make your protein treatments using ingredients like eggs, yogurt and mayonnaise.
  2. Deep conditioning treatment: You also have the option of going for store-bought treatments with the key ingredients being; hydrolyzed wheat protein and Keratin.

Protein treatments help to revive coils by strengthening them, improving elasticity and repairing split ends. 

4. Never detangle dry hair

If you want to keep your coils healthy and damage free, the key is proper detangling! Detangling your hair when damp is the first step to proper detangling as it helps keep breakage at bay and increases hair’s health.

woman detangling her hair

Starting from the ends of your hair, slowly work your way up to the root using a wide tooth comb, or a detangling brush. In addition to reducing  breakage, starting at the tips helps to reduce damage from knots and tangles, unraveling them gently and saving the strands in the process.

Remember, your coils deserve to be pampered and not subjected to unnecessary stress, so save your length, and detangle properly today!!

 5. Have a balanced hair care routine

Healthy coils are unlocked by abiding to a balanced hair care routine.

This is because type 4 natural hair struggles to retain moisture, which is key to curl health. A balanced hair care routine will incorporate things like regular cleansing, conditioner use, hair oiling, and deep conditioning to keep hair hydrated. By preventing dryness, this routine helps curls be more defined, less frizzy, and stronger, leading to healthier hair, and reduced breakage.

6. Keep tight hairstyles at bay

An irresistible yet destructive trap, tight hairstyles may seem like a winning choice for coily hair. But beware, for these hairstyles have a destructive nature. Wearing tight hairstyles puts your hair at a great risk, as these hairstyles put a strain on your strands and cause tension on your scalp, thereby leading to a lot of damage on your hair follicles. 

Try as much as you can to keep tight hairstyles at bay. If it hurts, it’s too tight! If you feel any discomfort when getting your braids done, be sure to let your braider know about it. And if you are not the type to speak up in the middle of a session, be sure to discuss your expectations with your stylist before the appointment. 

Being cautious and avoiding tight hairstyles will save you from hair damage, lost edges and cuticle damage.

7. Trim regularly

The subject of trimming can’t be overemphasized! In fact, I think it is not being spoken about just enough, as getting regular trims help to keep your hair in good shape. 

Trims contribute a lot to your hair health by taking care of damage, split ends, and knots arising from tangles. Regular trimming enhances coily hair appearance, giving it a neater, more defined look, and making it easier to style as well.

Depending on the health of your hair it is advisable to trim your coily hair within a duration of 6-8 weeks. This allows your coils to grow to a reasonable length, yet keeping split ends in check.

8. Avoid unnecessary application of heat 

On certain occasions, the use of heat will be non-negotiable, but too much application will dent those beautiful coils of yours. Keeping heat styling at bay helps you embrace the beautiful bounce and volume that heat-free styling gives, while also ensuring that your curls stay lively, and your  curl pattern stays intact.

photo of lady styling her curly hair

There are quite a number of disadvantages that arise from unnecessary application of heat on hair. This ranges from enhanced breakage, to hair loss, cuticle damage, moisture loss, extra frizziness, and dull hair. 

As much as you can, try to opt for heat-free styling methods to protect your hair from damage! 

9. Shrinkage is not the enemy

Shrinkage is not the enemy of your coily hair! In fact, it is a sign of healthy hair, a unique feature that defines your coils. Rather than perceiving shrinkage as an enemy, consider it as a great feature adding natural beauty to your coily locks.

Shrinkage helps to keep your hair in check, by keeping it tucked away. It provides a volumizing effect that transforms your coils from thin and flat, to thick and lively.

When you experience shrinkage, embrace it as a normal part of your coily hair journey. Remember, this unique aspect of your hair showcases its strength and uniqueness. 

 10. Embrace your texture 

Embracing your coily hair is and will always be the most powerful step of your hair care and self love journey. From learning your curl pattern, to giving your hair the best treatment possible, to seeing and embracing your hair for the beauty it holds, is a hit that could bring a huge positive change in your life. 

When you love something, you naturally want to care for it! Learning to embrace your hair makes it easier to want to try out the above tips, and give your hair the best treatment possible. Your hair is not the enemy, it is a part of who you are. Care for it, grow it, embrace it, love it! 


From using products formulated for your hair, to embracing your coils, these 10 tips will help you unlock your coils, promoting a smooth sail as you embark on your journey.  Remember the keys; Patience, consistency, and self-love will get you to your destination of long, healthy locks of hair.

With that said, I want to encourage you, my beauties, to love your hair, love yourself and rock your natural coils.  

Ready to unlock those coils? Do well to apply all 10 tips. Gained value? Like, share and comment!

See you in our next post, and until then, happy coil care!!

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